Google has cancelled its Android event on Monday, at which the search company had been expected to reveal a new Nexus smartphone and tablet, over fears about Hurricane Sandy. The event in New York City was widely expected to see the new LG Nexus 4 smartphone make its debut, as well as a Samsung-made Nexus 10 tablet, but has been cancelled at the last minute for safety reasons.
The hurricane is predicted to reach New York City on Sunday or Monday, with the threat of flooding and wind damage. Travel is being curtailed by airlines and other routes, and NYC could evacuate almost 400,000 people as a precaution.
“We are canceling our Monday morning event in New York due to Hurricane Sandy” Google told us in a statement. “We will let you know our plans as soon as we know more. Stay safe and dry.”
For Google, it’s an inconvenient blip on the announcement calendar, which comes in the midst of a packed month of mobile news. Apple’s iPad mini event last week saw the Cupertino firm directly challenge the Nexus 7, while Microsoft will hold a Windows Phone 8 launch event on Monday on the West Coast, safely out of the reach of Sandy.
Rubbing salt into the wounds, many of Google’s surprises for Monday have already apparently been revealed ahead of time. The LG Nexus 4 has been spotted in the wild, seemingly left at a bar, and already listed at one retailer.
As for the Nexus 10, that’s also been caught in the wild, and Google exec Vic Gundotra even used the tablet to share photos from a recent holiday. Both are expected to run Android 4.2 Jelly Bean, with the inclusion of a new Swype-style keyboard.
A new date for the event is yet to be announced; we’ll bring you more when we know it.
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